Monday, March 5, 2018

Day 3: Satisfaction is enjoyable! (Britton)

Today in Belize myself as well as the other members of the team traveled/ toured two different farms, they were both AMAZING.

BUT as a beef farmer, I was able to relate more to the second farm that we toured (beef cattle farm). I was able to talk one on one with Rudolpho, and to have a genuine conversation with him as we were touring. As we were hiking up the side of a hill in one of his many pasture fields, I asked him "do you enjoy farming" And he looked at me and said "yes" But he went on to explain that he would love to be able to sometime be a full-time farmer, but right now he financially can not. Rudolpho went on to tell me that he actually enjoys the cattle and being a producer, that these things give him satisfaction. 

He kept explaining how important it is to enjoy your career, especially farming. If you do not enjoy it your career, your products will suffer. It was so interesting to listen to him tell me about how important it is to find something that I enjoy and to pursue it. This made me realize how important it is to go to bed at night being satisfied with what you have accomplished during the day. Rudolpho made it so easy to realize that satisfaction is important and enjoyable for not only myself but for the others that are around me.

Rudolpho explained that some people here "Just keep hold of it" and I personally can relate to that from back home, I see farms that are so run down and or not being used, because the owners are just keeping it to keep the heritage, instead of letting someone else farm the land. Rudolpho made me realize that it is not only important in the USA to enjoy and to be satisfied in your career, but it is important to OTHER cultures as well.

I know in my heart that teaching agriculture is what will give me satisfaction. Taking part on my family farm gives me satisfaction,and sharing my love with other is the most satisfying thing to me. I also think it is really important to notice that every person finds their own satisfaction out of different things. I am looking forward to the rest of the trip, and being able to make more connections about myself and about my future.

Britton is a Sophomore in Agriculture and Extension Education at Penn State 

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